Medical Supplies Coverage Policy

Understand when consumable medical supplies are covered, and what is considered a consumable medical supply.

What is a Consumable Medical Supply?

Consumable medical supplies are non-durable medical supplies that:

Plan Exclusions: Most plans contain exclusions for consumable medical supplies. Although plan language varies considerably, a typical exclusion defines consumable medical supplies as including, but not limited to, bandages and other disposable medical supplies, skin preparations and test strips.

When does Cigna Healthcare allow coverage for Consumable Medical Supplies?

Consumable medical supplies are covered under our coverage policies in conjunction with:

Additional Managed Care Guidelines:

Note: State or federal legislation and/or plan-specific language supersede the administrative coverage policies of Cigna Healthcare.

How do Health Care Providers get Reimbursed?

Reimbursement guidelines vary, dependent on the type of medical supply, however all consumable medical supplies should be billed using the applicable HCPCS codes.