Energy Conservation Code

The New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC) is comprised of New York City local laws and the current Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (ECCCNYS). By State law, all local government Energy Codes, including the NYCECC, must be more stringent than the ECCCNYS.

2020 NYC Energy ConservationCode

2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (2020 ECCNYS), based on the 2018 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1-2016, became effective on May 12th, 2020. Adopted as Local Law 048 of 2020 (Introduction No. 1816), the 2020 New York City Energy Conservation Code (2020 NYCECC), based on the 2020 ECCCNYS, aligns with certain provisions of the NYSERDA NYStretch Energy Code-2020 (as required by Local Law 32 of 2018), and further modified, also became effective on May 12th, 2020.