RBT Competency Quiz D: Behavior Reduction
5 question quiz.
Form A - Ethics Considerations for RBTs 9 questions
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Ethics for RBTs: A
From the BACB, " RBTs must abide by a subset of the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (Compliance Code) designated as relevant to the practice of RBTs. "
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of ethics considerations specific to RBTs with a series of multiple choice questions.
Think you're ready to be an ethical behaviorist? Let's find out!
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Form A - Foundational Knowledge 11 questions
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This form covers foundational knowledge requisite to effective practice of behavior analysis. You should know this stuff!
Questions in this unit are aligned with the FK-01 through FK-09 items in the BCBA task list.
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Form A - BCBA A - Measurement 4 questions
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A - BCBA A: Measurement
A-01 - Measure frequency (i.e., count).
A-02 - Measure rate (i.e., count per unit time).
A-03 - Measure duration.
A-04 - Measure latency.
A-05 - Measure interresponse time (IRT).
A-06 - Measure percent of occurrence.
A-07 - Measure trials to criterion.
A-08 - Assess and interpret interobserver agreement.
A-09 - Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of measurement procedures.
A-10 - Design, plot, and interpret data using equal-interval graphs.
A-11 - Design, plot, and interpret data using a cumulative record to display data.
A-12 - Design and implement continuous measurement procedures (e.g., event recording).
A-13 - Design and implement discontinuous measurement procedures (e.g., partial & whole
interval, momentary time sampling).
A-14 - Design and implement choice measures.
4 question quiz.
Form BACB Code - A - BACB Ethics Code - Mock Exam 3 questions
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The Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB’s) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (the “Code”) consolidates, updates, and replaces the BACB’s Professional Disciplinary and Ethical Standards and Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior Analysts. The Code includes 10 sections relevant to professional and ethical behavior of behavior analysts, along with a glossary of terms. Effective January 1, 2016, all BACB applicants and certificants will be required to adhere to the Code.
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB’s) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (the “Code”) consolidates, updates, and replaces the BACB’s Professional Disciplinary and Ethical Standards and Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior Analysts. The Code includes 10 sections relevant to professional and ethical behavior of behavior analysts, along with a glossary of terms. Effective January 1, 2016, all BACB applicants and certificants will be required to adhere to the Code.
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Form BCBA Cert. Req. A - BCBA Certification 4 questions
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Certification requirements for BCBAs
Topics related to obtaining BCBA certification
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Form BCBA B, Form A - BCBA B - Experimental Design 1 questions
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B. Experimental Design
B-01 Use the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) to evaluate whether interventions are behavior analytic in nature.
B-02 Review and interpret articles from the behavior-analytic literature.
B-03 Systematically arrange independent variables to demonstrate their effects on dependent variables.
B-04 Use withdrawal/reversal designs .
B-05 Use alternating treatments (i.e., multielement) designs.
B-06 Use changing criterion designs.
B-07 Use multiple baseline designs.
B-08 Use multiple probe designs.
B-09 Use combinations of design elements.
B. Experimental Design
B-01 Use the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) to evaluate whether interventions are behavior analytic in nature.
B-02 Review and interpret articles from the behavior-analytic literature.
B-03 Systematically arrange independent variables to demonstrate their effects on dependent variables.
B-04 Use withdrawal/reversal designs .
B-05 Use alternating treatments (i.e., multielement) designs.
B-06 Use changing criterion designs.
B-07 Use multiple baseline designs.
B-08 Use multiple probe designs.
B-09 Use combinations of design elements.