Author, 'Title', Publisher, Year.
Laurence Rees, 'Auschwitz: The Nazis and The Final Solution', BBC Books, 2005.
Book with two authors
Authors, 'Title', Publisher, Year.
David McKittrick and David McVea, 'Making Sense of the Troubles', Viking, 2012.
Chapter in an edited book
Chapter author, 'Chapter title'. In: Editor, (Ed.), 'Title', Publisher, Year.
David Fitzpatrick, 'Home front and everyday life'. In: John Horne, (Ed.), 'Our War: Ireland and the Great War', Royal Irish Academy, 2012.
Name of person, Subject of the interview, Interviewed by, Recorded using e.g. notes/video/or voice recorder, Location, Date(s).
Page on a website
Author, 'Title', Year, URL, [Date accessed].
Turlough O'Riordan, 'Elmes, Mary', 2019,, [Date accessed: 22nd October 2021].
Newspaper article
Author, 'Title', Newspaper, Date, Page number(s).
Gerry White, 'Crossbarry ambush: Taking battle to the empire', Supplement in the Irish Examiner, 26th March 2021, pp. 10-11.
Online newspaper article
Author, 'Title', Newspaper, Date, Available at: URL, [Date accessed].
Dave Hannigan, 'Terence MacSwiney and the hunger strike that made world headlines', The Irish Times, 3rd June 2020, Available at:, [Date accessed: 22nd October 2021].
Magazine or journal article
Author, 'Title', Magazine or Journal, Date, Volume, Issue, Page number(s).
Julie Wheelwright, 'Soviet Super Sniper: A Woman at War', History Today, April 2020, Volume 70, Issue 4, pp. 50-57.
Online magazine or journal article
Author, 'Title', Magazine or Journal, Date, Volume, Issue, Available at: URL, [Date accessed].
Kevin Haddick Flynn, 'The First Shots in the Irish War of Independence', History Today, January 2020, Volume 70, Issue 1, Available at: , [Date accessed: 22nd October 2021].
TV or radio documentary
'Title', (Year), Channel, Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Presenter, Narrator, Broadcast date and time.
(Any two from Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Presenter, Narrator.)
'De Valera i Meiriceá', (2019), TG4, Written and directed by Ciara Hyland, Produced by Tony McCarthy, Broadcast on 11th (Part 1) and 18th (Part 2) September 2019 at 9.30 pm.
Online documentary film or podcast
'Title', (Year), Channel, Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Presenter, Narrator, Available at: URL, [Date accessed].
(Any two from Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Presenter, and Narrator.)
'The Massacre', (2021), The Bloodied Field Podcast, Written and produced by Michael Foley, Edited by Andrew Foley, Available at: , [Date accessed: 22nd October 2021].