For whatever reasons you’re looking to change gas suppliers, you’ll need your MPRN number. Find out what they are and where you can find yours.
MPRN stands for “Meter Point Reference Number” and is best described as a unique number for your gas meter. It’s sometimes called a gas supply number and should not be confused with your customer reference number nor your Meter Serial Number (MSN) which is a combination of numbers and letters.
No two MPRN numbers are alike and are associated with a property rather than an energy supplier. That means if you switch providers, your details will change but not your MPRN. That said, you’ll still need to give your MPRN and MPAN number to the new supplier.
You can find your gas Meter Point Reference Number (or M number) boxed on a recent gas bill in a six to 10 digit format usually starting with a 74 or 75. On newer gas meters, you should find the MPRN on the meter (meter box) itself.
If you don’t know who supplies your gas, you can kill two birds with one stone by entering your postcode on the Find My Supplier website. The site will not only tell you who your supplier is but also your all-important get meter MPRN.
For those without access to the internet, you can call the Meter Number Helpline on 0870 608 1524 to get information on your energy supplier Meter Point Reference Number.
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