Wake up call one act pdf

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Seventeen-year-old Jim is having a really bad day. After getting up the nerve to tell his girlfriend, Rochelle, that he loves her, she asks him to help her poison her father. Is she joking? Just when it becomes clear that she's definitely not joking, Jim's mother wakes him up. It was all a dream! But Mom has bad news for him. Terrible news in fact. As the news becomes nightmarishly bad, Jim wakes up again. He's back with Rochelle, who tells him he fainted, and Dad comes home just in time for Rochelle to offer him a big glass of suspicious-looking milk. Now Jim isn't sure what's real and what's a dream, and every time he thinks he's got it figured out, his life takes another surprising left turn. A funny, spooky play about the nature of reality, Wake-Up Call starts as a nightmare and goes to places you'll never expect.


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Location City State Opens Closes
Long Beach High School Long Beach Mississippi 10/24/2024 10/26/2024


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